Software $15K Bonuses
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Software $15K Bonuses
PPC Campaign Calculator
This plugin is a simple tool that provides powerful information. It helps you work out the profit potential of any pay-per-click advertising campaign where you’re getting paid per sale or per lead. By filling in a few form fields, it will quickly calculate the estimated number of sales and total income you’ll make, the total amount you’ll spend on advertising, the total profit (or loss) you’ll experience, the total profit (or loss) per click, and the total percentage of profit per click.
- Quickly and easily find out just how profitable (or costly) your pay-per-click advertising campaign will be.
- Gives you the ability to know ahead of time what type of pay-per-click results you’ll achieve.
- Fast and simple data analysis means you can accurately make any necessary adjustments based on your sales to visitor ratio.
WP Viral Traffic Ninja
Traffic is the lifeblood to every profitable Internet business and WITHOUT it your beautiful looking blog will be lost in a sea of mediocrity.
This is a Simple Automated Traffic System You Can Use To Get UNLIMITED Visitors To Your Blog For FREE! This WordPress Plugin offer your visitors a reward for telling others about your blog… and they do all the work for you!
It’s fast, it’s easy and most importantly… this method is guaranteed to drive unlimited traffic to your blog.Some of the benefits:
- Simple to install and use!
- Fully automated WordPress plugin!
- Just a few minutes of set it up and you are done!
- Uses cookies and IP addresses to prevent cheating!
- Start generating viral traffic with no effort on your part!
- Create unlimited prizes to get massive amounts of free traffic!
- Customize how many referrals are needed to unlock each prize!
- Enjoy a hands-off approach to instant and passive traffic forever!
- Automatically build a massive list by ‘legally’ bribing your visitors!
OptiROI will help you maximize profits regardless of what niche you’re in!You can also use this technology to build bigger email lists, which equates to much more future revenue! If you want to outsmart and dominate your competition in today’s crowded and highly-competitive landscape, then you need to be proactive with your marketing.
Site Searcher Software

WP List Building Feedback

This plugin is perfect for site owners who are hosting multiple products or multiple opt in pages on a single site and wants to run exit splash pages on certain webpages but not on others.
It allows you to host multiple exit splash designs and configurations all within a single site. You can also customize text, font, font color, splash page width, background color and much, much more!
WP Plugin Builder
WP Plugin Builder Is a Windows Software That Let’s You Build Your Own Products (WP Plugins)! No Coding Skills Required!
You Can Create Your Own Products And You Have FULL UNRESTRICTED Rights Over Them. The possibililties Are Endless!
Project Manager

This is a software utility that’s used to manage all of your projects. No matter how many projects you’re working on, you’ll remain focused. It allow’s you to create a list of tasks or use a predefined list in order to track the progress of the project more easily and effectively.
- Saves you a considerable amount of time by keeping all your projects in order.
- Comes preloaded with a common list of work tasks which can be fully customized – simply edit, add, or remove any items you like.
- Allows you to load and save individual projects – no matter how many things you’re working on you’ll always remain focused.
- Convenient progress bar lets you know exactly how much work has been completed.
Software user guide included.
My RSS Converter
Quickly Convert Your Web Pages Into RSS Feeds That Can Be Imported Into Any Website You Want! Get Fresh Content and Incoming Links For Your Sites For More FREE Search Engine Traffic!
Here’s The Full Range of Benefits This Tool Provides:
- Allows you to convert HTML pages that are either online or located on your computer into RSS. All of your old web pages are quickly put into RSS format for distribution!
- Gets more targeted traffic by syndicating the quality content from your web pages. As a result, your other sites are filled with fresh content search engines love!
- Increases the amount of people that remember your pages! People can import your RSS feeds into their RSS readers so you get more repeat traffic!
- Strips HTML tags in order to retain strict RSS syntax with optional ‘smart’ technology. Your RSS feeds are in a usable format you don’t have to touch!
- Stores unlimited RSS feeds so that you can quickly go back and edit them anytime you want! It only takes seconds to update your RSS feeds with the latest content you want to distribute!
- Offers the ability to divide your web pages into multiple entries! This means your pages can be separated into readable chunks that people more easily consume!
- Automatically selects your entry titles based on selected ‘start and stop’ HTML tags you enter. This means the titles of your entries are going to be relevant so you don’t have to edit anything in your RSS feeds to make them readable!
- Plus, much more!
Lead Filter WP Plugin
This powerful new plugin lets you quickly and easily create interactive popups that allow your visitors to indicate if they approve or disagree with a statement or answer yes or now to a question.
Depending on their response you can filter them into a particular email funnel and have them sign up for your list, make them an offer, or create a button that leads them to content based on their choice. There’s a lot of flexibility and room for creativity here including:
- Content Creation Tips for Online Marketers vs. Bloggers
- Tips To Get New Clients For Virtual Assistants vs. Graphic Designers
- The Best Email Marketing Solutions for Florists vs. Wedding Photographers
It’s easy to see how you can customize content on your site and in your email messages to particular subsets of readers in your niche after filtering them using this plugin.
Lead Filter appeals to your audience with engaging, eye-catching pop-ups that you have full control over. You decide what they see and how often they see it.
Turbo GIF Animator

Make Animated Images in Less Than a Minute!
If you are digital marketer, chances are you may already had use graphics in promoting your products or services online.
The thing is that, one of the best type of images that engage more viewers in social media is the images that are moving or simply an animated images in GIF format.
Now, it’s Time To Get CURRENT & Begin Informing Your Audience About Your New Product(s) In a More Interesting & Appealing Way, In Just A Few Seconds!
Xyber Email Assistant Software
Do Your Customer Support with Ease Using Xyber Email Assistant!
If you are a current online business, customer support is necessary. This is because you can’t be so sure that your business will work perfectly!
The good news though is that, you can now turbo-charge the growth of your business, while freeing Up Your Time With Reduced Customer Support Hassles! Stay On Top Of Your Business With The Ability To Instantly Respond To Email For More Satisfied Customers, Affiliates, and Partners!
My Ad Rotator Software

Earn Far More Starting Minutes From Now By Quickly and Easily Inserting Rotating Text Ads On Your Sites For Products Your Visitors Devour!
If you are a blogger and business owner, chances are you may have some ads in your website. The thing is that, the space your webpages may be limited if you have several ads to show.
This has been one of the challenges of some bloggers but the good news is that inside this product a powerful tool that will Put Your Sites’ Revenue On Turbo-Power By Running Your Own Ads For Proven Products That Pay You A Fortune!
List Cleaner V2

Easily Clean Your List using the List Cleaner Software!
If you are a white-hat SEO guy and you are doing website scraping on a specific keywords that you are targeting, chances are some of those key phrases may have some duplicates.
In which you might end up deleting them for duplicate keywords but having some quotes on it. Delete those can also be time-consuming and with amazing software, this is an extremely fast utility that can ‘clean’ your keyword list in one second.
It removes duplicates, blank spaces, any keyword containing . ‘ , – & / www, and keyword phrases that are longer than five words. It also sorts alphabetically
Affiliate PDF Brander Software

Here’s How You Can Promote All Your Products And Services On Autopilot Using The Power Of Viral PDF Reports!
If you sell digital products online likely an Ebook in PDF Form, chances are you may offer an affiliate program to make more sales lessen the marketing expenses you may spent.
So to maximize your affiliate marketing program to the next level, giving the marketing materials to your affiliate marketing partners is a huge advantage to lessen the effort of partners and immediately make more sales along the way.
One of these marketing materials is giving them a free report that they can use as lead magnet to their email marketing campaign. And one of the feature of this lead magnet – ebook has their unique affiliate links that if their subscribers make a purchase, they will also make a commission.
Email Protector Software

This PHP script is a quick and easy way to protect your email address on your site from spam bots!
If you are a blogger or an email marketer, making your list of email subscribers into safe is necessary.
You see, everyday new tools are being made and launched including SPAM Bots that will harm your list of email subscribers.
The good news though is that inside this product is a php script that will run to your server and protect your email addresses from SPAM.
RSS Pro WordPress Plugin

Here’s An Easy Way To Add Search Engine Friendly, Regularly Updated Content To Your WordPress Blogs!
If you are a niche marketer or blogger, chances are you may have more than one blogs to manage to make your income grow.
The thing with having lots of sites to manage is the creation of the content and making it rank go Google and other major search engines in the internet.
The good thing is that, if your blog is powered by WordPress, there is an amazing plugin that is a HUGE help for many bloggers and internet marketers nowadays. This plugin is called WP RSS Pro.
WP Ebook Maker Plugin

Are You Ready To Start Cashing In The Ebook Craze With Your WordPress Blogs? Finally… A dead-easy, no-frills way to create ebooks with your WP blogs… Lightning-fast!
As you might know, ebooks always been all the rage. They sell like hot cakes and even if you are not selling them, they get READ voraciously.
Today a GREAT news is coming for you. How would you like to create ebooks from your WP dashboard so that you can sell them or give them away for free? Well, IT’S possible… believe it or not.
RPI Check Software

Ranking Videos In YouTube And Google Has Evolved But Most Video Marketers Have NOT Evolved With It! In Fact, Most Marketers Are Doing It All Wrong!
Video marketing has been proven to be one of the best way to generate money on the internet. As for many bloggers and internet marketers, video marketing is also one of the best channel to attract traffic to their websites.
The thing is that the internet evolved so fast as well as the technology and the principles. And if you don’t go down with the flow of the latest technologies, surely we will get left behind.
The good news is that inside this product is a tool that will help you achieve the video marketing success that you’ve dream possible.