Unclaimed Funds Review OTO ⚠️ All OTOs Links + Demo + Login App Software

Unclaimed Funds Review OTO ⚠️ All OTOs Links + Demo + Login App Software



Unclaimed Funds FE

Unclaimed Funds OTO 1 Bundle

Unclaimed Funds OTO 2 – The Million Dollar Script

Unclaimed Funds OTO 3 – Outsource Automation

Unclaimed Funds OTO 4 – Student Shortcuts to success

Unclaimed Funds OTO 5 – Done For You Contract

Unclaimed Funds OTO 6 – Live Calls and Group

in this unclaimed funds review I’m going to be showing you a training that’s going to teach you how to help people access 49 billion dollars of unclaimed money and for you to actually help them get their money and you get paid in the process and make sure you stay until the end of this review as I’m also going to show you all the different otos and upgrades so you know exactly what you’re getting into if you decide to purchase if you’re new to my channel my name is Mike Thomas I’m a seven figure affiliate marketer I do these reviews every single day so that you can get the best deals and upcoming software and courses if at any point during this review you want to check out unclaimed funds just go ahead and click that link below also please like this video it really does help out with my YouTube channel and I appreciate it and make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification last thing before we jump in here I just want to show you my bonus page I’ve got a ton of extra bonuses that you’re going to be getting if you purchase this through my link all these bonuses will be waiting for you right inside of warrior plus after you purchase through my link let’s take a look at the sales page here together it says 49b billion plus dollars just waiting to be given away make huge commissions by giving regular people free money now it might sound weird scammy sketchy but they’re really uh like are tons of like there’s tons of money out there that is just unclaimed the people have uh forgotten about isn’t that kind of weird like people forget about money but they’ve forgotten about it and it’s just sitting out there I actually personally found money of mine that I had forgotten about from way back so I had this unclaimed money that I found I was able to claim it and get it back there wasn’t a lot I didn’t have millions but I did have some unclaimed money so people do forget about it they figure you have past bank accounts that you’ve forgotten about but think about yourself maybe you had an old bank account from a long time ago and you came across it and it was just uh money that you kind of forgotten about it happens all the time and people especially uh with uh people getting older uh people forget about it if someone passes away an account can get get forgotten about I mean so many things can happen in people’s lives that it’s not so unfeasible that it happens and there’s proof behind it because of course there are billions of dollars that have been uh unclaimed and the idea behind this is that you’re actually going to be helping people to get that money and get paid in the process here and there’s these guys that are actually doing it uh so it’s kind of neat that they’ve done this uh they were actually they’ve got a pretty cool story that they talk about inside of the training uh where they were kind of down to their last money and they’ve got I know you’re used to probably these SOB stories but they actually explain it all and it’s real and it’s interesting but anyways and they show you exactly how they’re able to dig themselves out of that and how you can uh potentially do the same business model as well so they’ve got tons of proof on the page of people uh that have gone through their training and actually gotten made money from it like this guy right here um hey Mr David a quick update so January is our first active month so far we’ve signed a deal worth around 6400 would have gotten sooner but I messed up the something another 2 two going for about 750 each and another for about 300 I mean that’s that’s crazy that’s cool like look at this one 14th of one pending for fourteen thousand dollars I have three Deals under contract for 120 000 it’s like this more like deals coming in here the large one I told you we closed for five hundred and forty six thousand dollars these are crazy numbers and but obviously don’t think that just because these people have done it that you’re automatically going to do it as well uh one thing I like to see here are these checks that are from uh recently so look that’s 2022 there I like that April 2022 uh July 2022. uh let’s see here this one’s in December of 2022. so it’s not like this is out of date stuff it looks like this is uh up to date uh of people actually doing this recently so anyways uh this sounds interesting for you stay tuned uh what I’m gonna do is play a quick video from James explaining this a little bit more then I’m gonna come back show you the backing area and the otos James here and on behalf of Mark and David and myself I’m so excited to bring you into this brand new world at least it was a brand new world to me relating to unclaimed funds this as you see below in the video that Mark has this industry’s actually been around for a couple hundred years and what is this industry that I’m talking about I’m talking about literally giving people away thousands of dollars and you get paid a commission this is the notion of unclaimed funds and Mark and David have been doing this in such a crazy way for years they’ve been teaching all kinds of people that we have result after result after result people getting paid over and over again by giving away free money now it’s very important for you to know you can be anywhere in the world to do this so you don’t have to live in the United States the funds that we’re giving away are from the United States but you could be in Australia which is Mark’s case you could be Canadian which I am you could be from anywhere in the world I don’t care where you are from you can do this and what effectively you’re doing is there’s billions of dollars over 49 billion dollars that’s there from the government to give to people and for a multitude of reasons I like to say because the government’s lazy I don’t know if that’s the right way to say it but the fact of the matter is the government’s not necessarily in the job of trying to hunt down people to give them money but the fact of the matter is that money is there now when Mark first came to me with this premise I did a little search and my wife actually was owed money so this this worked for me right off the bat I’m like oh I didn’t know that I personally uh was owed money or my wife was owed money but the fact is it’s not so much that you’re looking for money for yourself what you’re doing and what’s really more exciting about this is that you’re looking for money for other people and there’s person after person after person that’s owed money that’s the reality of it and that’s the fact and now with this premise with this product you go out you have the people you have the money you connect the two and you get paid now you’re not dealing with businesses you’re not dealing with something crazy convoluted you’re literally helping people they’re excited with the fact that you’re giving them free money and then you get paid a reward like a finder’s fee you’re kind of like a Robin Hood here not that you’re giving from the rich and giving to the poor but but the deal is this is money that’s owed to people and they just don’t know that it exists and you might start thinking well how is it they don’t know that there’s money not out to them and there’s a there’s a whole bunch of reasons and we go through it in the course but namely it could be something like well maybe one of their relatives was deceased maybe it was um that they would do money from from some kind of refund it could have been money they were they were due because maybe their house went into foreclosure and they actually got paid more than the house was worth it doesn’t really matter how this money’s coming to people but it’s there that’s the reality the money’s there maybe the person moved there’s a whole bunch of reasons bottom line is we show you exactly where to find these people that are due the money you get them the money and you get paid that’s really it in a nutshell and obviously there’s more to it in that there’s specific ways to get this done the right way get it done quick get it done fast to make sure that you’re making the ultimate and fastest profit and that’s what unclean funds is all about it’s not just about the notion that unclaimed funds are there that’s that’s a fact that’s that’s not something to be even disputed even if this is new to you this absolutely exists but with the unclaimed funds course that we’re showing you we’re showing you the fastest path to make profit off of this so go down see the testimonial asset after testimonial see check after check look at Mark’s video look at David’s video you’re going to probably get sick and tired of seeing all the different testimonials we have on this page but it’s there this is a huge deal this is something that I’m so pumped to bring to the community you’re going to want to pick this up for the price it’s a no-brainer welcome to this brand new world of unclaimed funds get paid by giving regular people money that they’re owed and that they deserve and then you get a piece of the pie okay so this is the backing area that you’ll access to after you purchase how they do this they put in a PDF but don’t think it’s just a PDF it actually has uh a bunch of it’s a video course but they’ve just put in a PDF uh and then they have links to different videos for you to actually be able to uh to access there so it’s all in uh you can it’s a PDF file that you also have videos that you access and you can go through them at your in your own time of course there are upgrades they’re all optional they have an Oto here uh what states must you work with and what do you avoid get the vetted list that’s updated constantly so if you want to have like a list of an updated list get the never before release surplus funds book with 30 case studies so this is an optional upgrade for you there the next one you’re gonna see get the million dollar script along with the three hours of real interactions with cold prospects and getting paid so this script is made over seven million dollars to the product in real time making money mirror exactly what it does so if you want more examples of how to do this again this is for more serious people and this one right here is what country must you use and what to avoid here from and hear from an actual assistant I think that’s supposed to be h-e-a-r uh never have to deal with a person set it and forget it to actually have someone do this for you uh this one right here uh is going to be how to start from nothing how to scale and how to crush it fastest and it looks like they’ve got a couple more the service agreement okay so this is agreement that you can use to get people to sign to make sure that you get paid so that’s pretty important and the last one here is get on a live Prospect calls plus a community so if you want to be part of a community of other people actually trying to do the same thing that you’re doing so that you can get feedback then you can get this one all these otos are optional pick and choose the ones that you want forget ones that you don’t okay so what do I like about unclaimed funds and what don’t I like about it if I just say something that I don’t like about it they’ve got a lot of screenshots on that sales page a lot of people making money I don’t want you to think that just because you do this you’re automatically going to start making money I’m sure there’s going to be work involved there’s going to be rejection involved just don’t think that this is some get rich quick scheme because it’s not what do I think about it what do I like about it I like this I think this is really cool it sounds really fun it sounds really interesting it sounds like you’re helping people find their money so you find people money you get paid for helping people find their money sounds pretty cool I mean what would you do if someone contacted you and they were like seriously telling you that you had ten thousand dollars that was yours that they had access to and that you’d forgotten about it would you give them a cut of that to give you your money that you forgot about I’m pretty sure you would uh I would anyways if someone said yeah I’ve got ten thousand dollars laying around give me give me a cut of it and I’ll give it to you I’d be like okay cool that’ll be great but anyways yeah so yeah uh let’s uh go to the next part thank you so much for checking out my review today if you want to take a look at unclaimed funds just go ahead and click that link below also please like this video it really helps out my YouTube channel and I appreciate it and make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification as always thank you so much for watching I’ll see you again in my next review video thanks


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